*Start of Part 3 (1:01:15)*
CS: Have you talked about the story at all? Anything you’re
willing to talk about?
RG: Oh yes, so I’m not going to talk about the story but I will
tell you a little bit. The bit of the story that I will tell, well I’ve already
given a little bit of it so I’ll see if I can recast it slightly, you know the
first mystery of the first episode, the forsaken virtues piece of the shroud of
the avatar is to see how and why this new malevolence has risen in the world.
You arrive in the world and the first things you discover is that you’re in a
medieval world and there’s a little bit of technology developing, the mechanical
age has begun but only in the wealthier pockets and there is a new evil that
has risen. It’s not a mindless evil, it’s not just in the dark that monsters
rise and cause trouble, there is a very specific plan that they are executing.
Your first job is to figure out who they are, what their ultimate goal is and
what they’re trying to execute right now as they lay siege to one town after
another, after another. Once you’ve discovered the nature of this new evil and
the goal of their plan, that’s when you move on to the second episode. Ha!
Chuckles revenge, I was just talking about Chuckles the other day when I booted
up my old AppleII before I brought it to the RoosterTeeth interview. I found
Caverns of Callisto that Chuckles wrote and I filmed it on the AppleII and I
sent it to Chuck and I said hey what’s this? He couldn’t recognize his own
game, admittedly it was running in black and white and pretty old school, not
too surprising he couldn’t remember it. Killing children, you may not have
known but that’s such a great question for me, I don’t know if you all know the
story of killing children but if you don’t you might enjoy this. When I was
writing Ultima 4, which was the first time I was trying to create a game that
monitored your behavior in accordance with your virtues, I was also setting up
scenes to trap you into behaving against the virtues and after I made dungeon
room after dungeon room, at the very end I made a room that had children in
cages in the four corners of the room, there was a lever in the center of the
room and if you flipped that lever, thinking you were going to free all the children,
the children would turn into monsters all around you and either you’d have to
kill the monsters or get killed by them. I thought this was great because it
made people think they were going to lose some virtue points and I knew in fact
that there was no test in there but I knew the players wouldn’t know there wasn’t
a test in there and I suspected it would cause a moral dilemma.
Well my brother came into my office one day with a letter
written to him from someone in our QA department that said “Mr. Garriott I
refuse to work for a company that so clearly supports child abuse.” And my
brother goes “What in the world did you put in this game that is promoting
child abuse?” I had no idea, so we had to track down this guy and ask him what
he was on about and he was talking about that room, and he said that he went
into that room and he flipped that lever and was forced to slaughter children
and I don’t think that’s appropriate. My brother said “Richard you gotta take that
room out of the game” but I disagreed “no you guys don’t get it, first I invoked
a strong emotional reaction, that’s a good thing in a game, second you don’t
have to kill the children, don’t throw the lever, simple.” If you have to throw
the lever you can actually charm the children and walk away or the third thing
you can do is put the children to sleep and then they couldn’t hurt you. You
could even drop your sword, punch them once and they’d run away. There are
actually lots of ways you can get through the room; you don’t have to kill
children and it became a family battle. My brother kept telling me I had to
remove the room from the game, my parents who my brother lobbied to said you
should take it out Good Housekeeping is going to be against the game because of
this killing children thing, I said no way the room stays. The game was released
and it wasn’t an issue, nobody got mad, there were no comments negative or positive
about the children. Ever since then I’ve put a shrine to killing children in
every Ultima and not just every Ultima but every game I’ve ever developed, I’ve
tried to put the honorific room for killing children except for one, the last
game we did and it was Susan Cath, a friend of ours who worked with us in the past
and failed to put in the room of killing children to our last game. Now in this
game not only do we have a room for killing children, Susan will be in that
room too. We started it already and you’ll see a character named Susan in the prototype
who’s being hunted down by wolves and she is one of the first people to die in
the game for her failure to put in a room of killing children in our last game.
Will you be able to drive a boat?
CS: Don’t answer him, don’t answer him, he’s trolling, don’t
answer the troll!
RG: Oh look there’s some good Russian *speaks Russian* Graphics you’ve seen in the prototypes,
so the Unity engine that we’re developing in is actually a very powerful engine
and our team is very programmer heavy and REALLY artist light, and that’s just
where we found ourselves when we were putting all this together, so most of the
art you’ve seen in the game honestly has been begged, borrowed or steal’d or
hacked together with spit and bailing wire. By no means do we think that the
art is up to our final target we were just trying to communicate the direction
and intention with this prototype, so well we have high confidence in our tools
and vision, we have a really great concept artist but we haven’t really had a
change to make much of our original art.
CS: Did we come to a final decision on Paypal, I know we
were going to open a store using paypal after the Kickstarter has finished.
RG: We don’t have a final decision but this is our thinking,
we’ve talked to a lot of people who have been through this Kickstarter path
ahead of us and a lot of people are reticent above putting their money through
Amazon and that’s one of the reasons why we put up our sister-site, the SotA
site, it can’t at the moment but in the future it could be set up to accept
payment. We certainly don’t want to do that at this point, we want to make sure
we put enough money through the kickstarter site to close out our goal, so we
definitely won’t do it before then. We could start doing this as soon as the
Kickstarter reaches its goal, but we’re still managing things in realtime so we’ll
decide when the best time to open up that other site for commerce is. We’re
going to put other things on that commerce site by the way, I don’t know if we’ve
put up Iolo’s video yet.
CS: I just mentioned that.
RG: David Watson, who’s the real character behind Iolo, the
bard who plays the lute and crafts crossbows in Ultima, is in real life Austin,
Texas, he is known as Iolo, he plays the lute and he sells crossbows. He was
here playing a little bit of lute for us and showing off some of his crossbows,
it might not help us too much but we thought it would be great for the
community, we might on our own site sell some other things other than the
things in our Kickstarter pledges. We might introduce you all to Iolo and allow
you to build a relationship with him and perhaps acquire one of his fine arms and
we’re discussing this live but we might make it so if you buy one of Iolo’s
crossbows from our site, it might map into having a special crossbow in the game,
for example. When you get to see his video he’s a cool guy, he’s a little bit
crazy, a little kooky and wonderful. You’ll get to meet him at least by video
CS: Give my 5 minutes and I’ll have it up on Youtube.
RG: Denis Loubet question, yes Denis not only did all those
great Ultima covers but he also helped us with those concept sketches of the mechanical
equipment that is being introduced into the game. He is still a close friend
and does contract work for us and may join us in time, we’ll see. Show everyone
your phone case. I waited 50 years to live the bachelor life, I built myself a
crazy house with secret passages, I flew myself into outer space, I did all
this wacky stuff and enjoyed very much my misspent youth but after 50 years I
actually found a woman with whom I just decided I had to become married we’ve
settled down and we have a baby daughter, here is baby Kinga, who is now 8
months old. We’ll have to figure out how to sneak her into the game somehow.
Thank you for asking, by all means I’m a proud poppa, in the second half of my
first 100 years.
Will Lord British be married in game, that’s a good question,
as Lord British is married in real life, the presumptive answer would be yes,
as you know one of my big fictional pieces in my virtual worlds is I like to
create the new world as a unique world to the Earth, you and I are people from
Earth who find a way to get there. I like the metaphoric methods they use in
The Chronicles of Narnia, where people from Earth go to that virtual world, and
when they return from that virtual world, not much time has passed back on
Earth, no matter how much time they spent in the other world. I also like that because
it means that you age as you would in this other world but you’ve just found
this portal in which you can travel between these worlds and have your
adventures and then return to Earth. What that allows us to do for example is
between games 100 years or 1000 years has past, well it hasn’t past for you on
Earth so it makes sense that you can travel to this world 1000 years later when
in actuality only 10 or 15 years has past by for you back on Earth. This is why
Lord British can still be around even Eons after the dark lords have come and gone
because I live here with you, we age at the same rate, we don’t age the way
Britannia did in the original Ultima, or perhaps we might call it New Britannia
ages here in the new world. So yes we are from Earth, you are from Earth and I
am from Earth and just as I have always liked to do, we find a portal that
takes us to that new world. David would you like to come over and say hi to
*David Swofford Enters*
DS: Yes, I have an errand for you to run.
RG: An errand eh?
DS: Yes I need Rick to come and sit in for you while I get a
picture it’ll take about 5 minutes.
RG: Alright so send somebody in and we’ll let them take
over. In fact it’s 4:48 here central so we’ll wrap this up in about 5 minutes. For
those of you who don’t know, I don’t know how many of you are in Austin right
now but it’s SXSW here and this evening at 8pm I’m going to help open up the
SXSW games expo and give a little demo of the game there, we’ll shut this down
in the next 5 minutes. So get Rick in here. Thank you guys VERY much! We’ll get
Rick and Bee in here and I’ll go with David and I’ll say my good byes now, I
told them already they’ll have 10 more minutes to talk with y’all. I’ll be out
of the room so you can bad mouth me all you want, if you feel it’s necessary.
So thank you thank you thank you, tell your friends, see ya.
*Rick and Bee Enter*
RH: Hi there guys you remember me I’m Rick and this is Bee,
let’s answer some questions. What ya got there?
Bee: I’m not sure, let’s see, I see some people talking
about the graphics so yea this isn’t even alpha, it’s a prototype at this point
so everything is going to look better as time goes on. I wouldn’t even look at
the visuals you see as anything that will resemble the final game. Pretty much
everything you see will be different in our final game, right now just think of
it as a prototype trying to explore different systems and some of the things
that we’ve spec’d out we’re looking for your input in the forums, what you want
from an Ultima, what things define an Ultima, the things you’re really looking
for. We need you to get to the forums and tell us what you want, a lot of these detailed questions we don’t
really have answers for you yet, because it’s a kickstarter game we’re looking
to see what you want before we make it that way.
RH: And there’s been a ton of good stuff on the website we’ve
set up and through this video right now, the comments on the kickstarter forum,
the questions aer things I like the most, there are some very straight up
suggestions, as a designer I like to take to Richard and see what he thinks. I
want to facilitate him first and foremost and the players secondly. In a single
player Ultima, people enjoy different things and in UO people enjoy different
things. So today has been really exciting, not just for the kickstarter but all
to kick off the dialogue to see what’s most important to everybody and to
bounce that off Richard. That’s really going to define a lot of the direction
we take and right up until now a lot of the stuff has been prototyped and we
were just talking earlier about how much is too much work to finalize on
graphics for a scene that really is nothing more than a prototype of what we’re
thinking of and I’m really excited to move past this to really start making the
game you want.
Bee: Yea and I think I saw someone ask the question about
the forums and I think they’re on our website shroudoftheavatar.com is where
the community site is and where our forums are, and I saw someone talking about
the Mac and we’re using Unity which is of course PC-first, it allows us to
compile for Mac.
RH: I won’t spend a great deal of time on it but someone
asked how’s life working at Portalarium and this is one of my favourite places
to work over the course of my life and working with Richard as well. It’s been
tons of fun and it seems the creativity is a lot more wide-open here as we’ve
tooled ourselves to a much smaller tribe than what we’d usually be working with
in a large corporate environment. I mean just being able to sit down and do this;
I really miss this interaction of throwing things out there and getting that
feedback to make what we’ll really decide to do. I think you have better eye
sight then me, oh wow news that the First-Responder pledge just sold out, that’s
great news. A question about the single player style…I have a tendency to
really love answering questions…we certainly have a plan for that stuff…that is
first and foremost…how do you share that experience with your friends…I have a
few brothers…I have a few people close to me that I want to share this with…I
have played numerous MMOs in the last 10 years…we’re lucky that we have that
knowledge of what worked well and what didn’t…its at the top of Richard’s list
to do that right.
Bee: Someone asked if we’ll do this talk again…definitely
something we’ll do…people give us feedback…we respond…we have other forms of
communication as well…forums…facebook…chat…we plan on adding other ways to keep
track of the project…dev blogs…people asked about mod tool…realistically not
going to happen because of budget…we want your input on creating new content…we
will create it you can come up with ideas…
RH: Questions about the balance of single and multiplayer…splitting
single and multiplayer world isn’t what we want to do…doing something in the single
player world will have effects on your multiplayer world…how that works comes
down to us…that seems to be the basis on a lot of questions today…will there be
a split…you feel like you have two personas…nice guy and bad guy…we want to
avoid that…
Bee: People keep asking how to avoid cheating in online play…we’ll
figure it out…technical thing…too detailed to answer at this point…we’ll see
how it goes…encourage you guys to help us…
RH: A couple people asking about whether we’ll support
Turkish…not just Turkish but other languages…time will tell…tech side of things
will allow us to do other languages…in our best interest…our job will be to
support as many languages as we can.
Bee: A lot of people talking about NPC schedules…living
breathing world…meteor strikes …
RH: I’m a carebear…NPC schedules were always my favorite
things…woman who swept the streets…knew where she lived…made the world come
alive…definitely something important in this world…distinct possibility of
doing this better than ever before
Bee: I see people talking about PvP…look at the wide
spectrum of gamers…solo players to themselves…PKers wanting to hunt down other
players…we want to encourage players to play the way they want…friend elements
but not an MMO…connected and social…as social as you want to be.
RH: Our time is running out…we’ve had a great time, thanks!
*End of Video*
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