Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Cold Walk on a Snowy Night

Had an itch to go out shooting last night, so cranked the ISO and went B&W, I'm quite happy with how they  turned out. Banff is such a beautiful place.

Big Horn Gifts

Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Commentary on Photo Legitimacy

Yesterday I posed a question on DPreview.com's forums. To get a well rounded answer I posted in the m4/3 forum (the forum I most actively participate), and the retouching forum. 

The subject of my post was:

A Commentary on Photo Legitimacy

And the question I posed was:

How far is too far in regards to photo manipulation?

Within 24 hours I had received almost 100 responses and it really got me thinking that this is an article worth writing in some depth, maybe even an academic piece to bring me back to my university days. The problem I'm faced with is the scope of such an article. For the purposes of this blog I'll give a rough summary of the responses that I received and try to display the posts as closely as they were in their original state. After all, if I wasn't transparent with an article on "Photo Legitimacy", the irony of the situation would probably kill me.